Saturday, April 25, 2009

Fun (??) Day Friday

Most every Friday for the past few months we've had Family Fun Day Friday. McKinley loves it. She gets so excited. We've gone swimming, to the Aquarium, sometimes to the park, sometimes out to eat, and a couple weeks ago we went to Jumpin' Jacks in West Jordan. It was really great when we went - hardly anyone there & tons of stuff for them to jump around on. McKinley had SO much fun & was always asking to go back.

Yesterday rolled around & we had a coupon for Jumpin' Jacks so we thought we'd go back, but this time we went later in the day. I don't know if there were a hundred birthday parties going on or they had some kind of radio event going on, but it was CRAZY crowded. Like a million kids. So... scratch that. Poor McKinley was absolutely broken-hearted. I could hardly get her back in the car. We explained to her the problem - and that she'd probably only get to go on 1 or 2 slides. So - we suggested that we go to McDonald's & play and eat ice cream. At first, she didn't want to, but the idea sounded better & off we went.

Isn't it funny how McDonald's playlands seem to be everywhere you look until you're actually wanting to find one? Well, we drove around & finally ended up about 15 minutes away - at the 5400 S. & Redwood Rd one. Whew! We're here! Good thing... Ireland is getting fussy. Wait a minute! Their playland is all torn down. What the?? Ok... deep breath. More explaining to McKinley. We'll find another one. We head over to 4500 S. (and around a car accident), pull in the parking lot - no play place!! OK - are you serious? Now, Ireland is really getting mad & McKinley keeps asking where the play place is. Grrrr. So - keep going, McDonald's on State Street - no play place.

So - after about an hour of driving around, we finally get to the Arctic Circle at 7200 S. & State Street. It has a PlayZone. By this time, I'm thinking that this Friday isn't such a fun day anymore.

At least the kids finally ended up having fun (although, apparently McKinley was under the impression that we were going BACK to the jumping place after the ice cream).
Oh - and did I mention that Jason & I were in separate vehicles because he had to go to school afterward? It added just that much more fun to our Friday!!

Ice cream - finally!

Ireland had so much fun once we got there

I have no idea why she's making this face


Get Hooked said...

My Mother in Law took us to jumpin jacks last Thursday. We timed it perfectly, but come 3:00 that place was so crowded. My MIL insisted on me playing too. Man I felt old. Later that night my knee was double the size it normally is. But it was fun. Alyssa keeps asking if we can go back! I love the idea of a family fun day!

Patricia Potts said...

Fun Friday sounds grand! Heidi, I'm so proud of you.

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

Sounds like fun! I know what you mean about the McDonalds playland, when did they taken them all down? My parents used to get my nephews and neices and bring them all the way up to Heber because the McDonalds had a great play gym. Then they took it down too! I wonder if it's a liability thing or something.

By the way, thank you for your sweet comments on my blog. You are so sweet and kind! I appreciate your encouraging words. I know we never ended up having that bbq last year, but we'd love to get together sometime with you and Jason.

Lena Baron said...

Well Girl, let's hope next Friday is better huh?

Carrie Wagstaff said...

Oh the lengths we go to for family fun! Sometimes it hardly feels worth it. I'm surprised that there are that many McDonald's in the valley without Play Places!