Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Thoughts on Kindergarten...
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Burton Edwin Tew, Jr.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Wednesday, August 3, 2011
July Newsletter & Slideshow

FAMILY: July is always a busy month for the Hamiltons and 2011 was no exception. As always, we had a great time at the Devenish’s for the 4th of July. The kids loved being around their cousins and playing in their grandparents fun backyard and we all enjoyed the parade & park fun. It was nice & cool this year, which was SO nice! After the Richfield festivities, the kids had their annual backyard water games with a water slide, pool, and water guns. That evening we celebrated Ireland’s birthday with a yummy BBQ and cake & ice cream. She got lots of great gifts & everyone wrote nice things in her birthday book. Jason & Jeff spent too much on fireworks ($100), but the kids had fun lighting them and watching them go off. And, of course, the Jorgensens provided a big show (for the eyes AND ears) and the Richfield fireworks show was neat. The kids were ready to be done by the end of the night, though, and we took off for Cedar City at about 10:30, getting home around midnight. The drive reminded Heidi of their drive on the 4th to the hospital 4 years ago to welcome Ireland into the world. Her birthday was on the 5th & it was a busy day – we looked at a lot, babysat some kids, and helped our neighbors (the Gardners) get ready to move. We are going to miss having them across the street. On the 8th, we went to Discovery Park for Friday Fun Day and the girls had fun playing in the sandbox. We enjoyed some great family walks in the evening with the dogs – and afterward we try & brush down Tundra’s coat, which always produces a big bag of fur. On the 9th, we went to the July Jamboree downtown & saw lots of fun old cars & the girls had dippin’ dots for the first time. Then that night, Heidi & Jason went on a date to Lupitas Mexican Restaurant while Hannah watched the girls. On the 11th, Heidi & the girls headed up to Salt Lake to spend some time with family. We had a birthday party for Ireland & Joshua on the 11th. Cindy made a cute cake with ½ Lightening McQueen & ½ Strawberry Shortcake. We had fun visiting with all the family. That night we slept over at Aunt Cindy’s new house. It was fun to stay up with Kalli and watch Pride & Prejudice. Unfortunately, Kezia didn’t take a nap on the way up to SLC – or when we got there – she can get out of the portable crib now. So – needless to say, that night was REALLY rough with Kezia. Mom got maybe 2 hours of sleep. The next day, Heidi spent some wonderful time with her sisters. The 14th, we went to the Murray ward’s primary water party. They got pancakes, too! – and later on, we went to Utah Bounce House, which the kids REALLY had a fun time with. We left to come home on the 14th and stopped by the Benson’s in Orem to see their new addition, Maliyah (who is so cute & sweet) and see their beautiful new home. That weekend (the 15-17), we went camping with our trailer up at Yankee Meadows. It was busy & the fishing wasn’t great, but it was really beautiful & we found a fun spot. The girls had fun finding bugs, roasting marshmallows, and playing games. The girls started swimming lessons the next week. They went for 2 weeks, 4 days a week – and they both had a great time and did really well! The 18th, we went to the 30th birthday party of our friend, Adam Bealer. Jason had a bad headache that night, but the rest of us had a great time at the ice cream party. That Friday, we (including Jason) went back to the Bealers for a BBQ with Bonnie & Dallas Jones. They have such a fun backyard with a sandbox & swing set & the girls never want to leave. The 24th was a fun day. Jason took the morning off & we went to the ward breakfast in the morning & then off to the parade on Main Street. It was a cute parade – not too long – and plenty of candy for the girls J That night we did some sparklers, but it was really pouring rain, so we had to take cover. On the 28th, Jason took off a bit early & we headed up to Payson’s game in Panguitch. They did really well, but didn’t win this time. It was his last game & fun to cheer him on. Afterwards, we stopped at a cute old-fashioned ice cream parlor & all got a cone of yummy ice cream. On the 30th, we cleaned up the house & yard in the morning & then drove to 3 Peaks Recreation Area and Minersville Reservoir to check them out. We stopped at a cute park in Minersville for a picnic and the girls played and got to pet some puppies, too! We put an offer in on a short-sale home in Parowan. We both really like it and think it would be a good deal, but with a short sale, we’re not sure if it’s going to work out, so we’re not planning on it. We are also SO very excited that everything seems to be going well for Tiffany’s pregnancy.

JASON:Jason’s worked hard this month – and been able to keep up his credit hours so he can take time off for camping or the 24thof July without using his leave. He had a great time seeing his family over the 4th and at Payson’s games. He’s coming up with a workout plan and is hoping to join a gym in August. He is also very much paying attention to the debt ceiling debate going on and theorizing about how it will affect the economy, his job, and the housing market. He’s decided to grow a beard, so we’ll see how long he can get it before he can’t stand it anymore & shaves it off! J

HEIDI: Heidi had a great month & really enjoyed spending time with her sisters in SLC – going out to Village Inn, hot-tubbing, watching Jane Eyre, painting toe nails and just gabbing. She also got to go for a run with Chelsea Strong in the morning, which was fun to catch up with her. She has also really enjoyed her Young Women’s calling. She loves seeing the girls on Sundays and Tuesdays. Heidi planned a flip-flop decorating activity that was a lot of fun. Heidi continues to train for her upcoming triathlon and on the 30th, she biked 17 miles and then ran 6. At about mile 3 coming back from her run, there was a grey van that passed her – with little kids and a cute guy yelling “Go mom Go!” “Run mom Run!” They were her cheerleading van all the way up the hills & back home J

-One day McKinley was talking about getting married & getting married before Ireland does. She said “Well, I know you hafta be a certain age to get married, but is there a height requirement, too?”
-McKinley’s habit (good or bad?) is that the night we bring home the library books, she stays up till she has “read” them all. Usually that’s after 10.
-One day McKinley asked “Does Heavenly Father make worlds every night and morning?”
-McKinley was helping Kezia with praying at lunchtime and it went something like this: Mc- “and” K- “and”, Mc “thank thee” K- thank thee”, Mc “For everything in the universe” K- “….verse”
-When we were camping, mom looked up at the sky & mentioned that there were no clouds at all & maybe God forgot to paint clouds in the sky that day. McKinley said (matter-of-factly) “Mom – God never forgets anything!”… then she added “except sins.” Smart girl.
-McKinley has had a harder time lately getting her chores done. She just DOES NOT want to do them no matter what mom threatens. One day she and Ireland made a mess in the bathroom & mom told them to stay in there until it was clean. Well – instead of cleaning it up, they made a HUGE water mess – turning on the water in the sink & splashing it everywhere. That night both McKinley & Ireland went to bed at 7pm with no dinner L
-One night, mom & dad were up talking about dreams and other things. The next day, McKinley said “Mom – I’m sorry, but I like eyedropping. I was eyedropping on you and dad last night.”
-McKinley asked where we got a toy & mom replied “Ireland got it for her last birthday.” McKinley looked up with big eyes “Why was that her last birthday?”
-McKinley always wants to know how long in days or minutes. How many days until school starts? How many minutes until we go to Parker’s house? She’s definitely keeping mom’s brain sharp with trying to calculate things in minutes.
-McKinley did REALLY well in her swimming lessons. She was in Tots 2 at the Aquatic Center this year & her teacher’s name was Tyra. She loved to wave at mom while she swam & she said her teacher told the lifeguard to watch because she could swim by herself. On her certificate, her teacher wrote: “Great job! Keep practicing those skills and keep up the great swimming! We’ll see you next time in level 2!” She passed off all her skills. Way to go McKinley!
-After her lessons, we met a man named Russell, who is deaf. He was very nice & McKinley loved to show him some signs (even though she was a bit nervous ) - and he taught her a few signs, too – like Disneyland & flag.
-One day while McKinley & Ireland were playing, they decided it would be a good idea to cut the tails & manes off most of their play horses L
-Ireland got a magnifying glass for her birthday that has a clear tube to put bugs in it. McKinley has used it more than Ireland and has already captured a fly (!), some grasshoppers, some ants, and some rolley polleys. She loves to watch them, name them, feed them – and eventually let them go.
-If you ask McKinley if she is excited about Kindergarten coming up, she will vary with her answers. One day she said she didn’t want to go because she just wanted to be with her family. One day she said she was excited. Hopefully as it nears, she will get more excited!

-HAPPY 4th BIRTHDAY IRELAND! We can hardly believe Ireland is 4 years old already! She really got spoiled this year & had a party with the Richfield gang, a party at home in Cedar with her family & friends Tyrus & Sienna, and a party in Salt Lake with Joshua and the family up there & she had a bounce party celebration! She got so many fun gifts, including a pretend cash register, lots of strawberry shortcake things, some blocks, a Dora purse and lip gloss & nail polish, and many other gifts. Thanks everyone – for making her day so special!
-Ireland had the stomach flu at the beginning of the month L She kept throwing up. Mom asked if she could bring her a bowl to puke in & she said “That’s enough puking. I’m covering my mouth so I can’t puke anymore”
-Ireland is still our big helper at the stove & she always wants to help. She’s so good at watching the water & letting mom know when it boils. One day she was stirring some noodles a little too hard & some boiling water came out on her right thigh. She was so sad & we had to put cold water on it for quite a while. It still blistered & was really painful for a few days. She had a band-aid on for a few days and even though it’s healed, it looks like it’s going to leave a scar L
-Later, Ireland said she really wanted her owie (burn) to get better fast. Mom asked HOW fast. Ireland said “Sooo fast! Like Lightening McQueen!”
-Mom came to get the girls from the Primary room after church one Sunday and her heart was bursting with love & pride as she saw Ireland was one of the only kids who was helping to stack chairs. And she wouldn’t stop till it was all done. Great job Ireland!
-We are officially dubbing the next year of Ireland’s life the “Fearsome Fours.” For some reason she has had more tantrums AFTER she turned four than ever before. And they are over the silliest things. And no matter what we say, she will not be reasoned with. One afternoon she was upset that McKinley wouldn’t give her a block & she screamed & hollered. Mom put her in her room & she banged the door and screamed. Mom told her she loved her & she screamed “I DON’T love you!”. So mom put her outside & she screamed more & slammed the sliding glass door with the hose (while it was spraying water) & mom put her in the garage & she took Kezia’s ride-on toy & smashed it into the door, breaking the steering wheel. Finally mom got her to come inside & let her hold her & rock her & she took a nap. Another time, she was upset about the dress that she was wearing to church and threw a HUGE tantrum. Daddy had to stay home with her until she calmed down & they missed most of sacrament meeting L Another time she threw a tantrum while dad was trying to take her fishing & he had to come back. And after we left Grandma Potts’, she screamed “I WANT GRANDMA!” for the first & last ½ hour of the drive. We’re hoping things get better soon. Mom is thinking she is going through a growth spurt & needing more sleep, so we have been working on naps.
-One day Ireland was playing with the cash register that she got for her birthday. She said “Well,mom – it costs 4 moneys.”
--McKinley & Ireland have had a harder time lately getting their chores done. They just DO NOT want to do them no matter what mom threatens. One day McKinley and Ireland made a mess in the bathroom & mom told them to stay in there until it was clean. Well – instead of cleaning it up, they made a HUGE water mess – turning on the water in the sink & splashing it everywhere. That night both McKinley & Ireland went to bed at 7pm with no dinner L
-Lately Ireland has been taking things without asking quite a bit. She took gum and icing & when mom found out, she said “Pleeease can I have some?” We’ve been having lots of discussions about asking BEFORE you take something.
-Lately Ireland wants to make sure she gets her dues. After doing something good, she will tell you “Say GOOD JOB Irleand!”
- Ireland threw a tantrum at Payson’s baseball game & mom took her to the van. Mom said she couldn’t have any of the sweets (grandma Devenish had licorice and cookies) until she was acting sweet. So mom asked “So – what’s your choice Ireland? Are you going to be sweet or sour?” .. pause… “Well?” Ireland responded “I’m thinking about it….”
-One day while McKinley & Ireland were playing, they decided it would be a good idea to cut the tails & manes off most of their play horses L
-Ireland had her 2nd year of swim lesson. She was in Tots 1 at the Aquatic Center and did really well. She tried hard to do what the teacher said, though she still got distracted & wanted to splash when other kids were splashing. She did well, though & passed off everything to go to the next level. Her teacher, DeeAnna, wrote on her certificate “Ireland is a great swimmer. Have fun in Tots 2.” Great job Ireland!

-Kezia is a non-stop talker now-days. She answers “yep” to lots of questions and if you ask her why? She will say “becuz.” Some of her other favorite things to say: “Why?” “Naken!” (Naked) “eew! Stiiinky!!” (when getting her diaper changed) “Jesus loves Kezia” “I’m Scared!” (she’s started to get scared when she can see through to the ground – like at the park) “Wohoo! I did it! Hooray!” “Me, too!” (after her sisters say it) “uz zat?” (what’s that?) “I yike/don’t yike it!” “There it is! I found it!” “Bless you!” (after someone sneezes) “What you doin’?” “Cleanin’ up!” “I got it!” “knock knock – who’s there?” “I’m reading!” (when we go to get her from her crib – she has a book in her hands)
-Kezia slept in the same room as mom & dad over the 4th at Grandma Devenish’s. She had been asleep & they snuck in the room & were almost asleep when all the sudden Kezia says loudly “cracker!” Mommy & Daddy held their breath, thinking she had woke up, but apparently she was just dreaming of crackers!
-On the way back from the July Jamboree, Kezia threw up all over her & her carseat L It was not fun to clean up & we were worried she might have been the 3rd victim of the stomach flu, but she seemed fine after that. Maybe car sickness?
--McKinley was helping Kezia with praying at lunchtime and it went something like this: Mc- “and” K- “and”, Mc “thank thee” K- thank thee”, Mc “For everything in the universe” K “….verse”
-When we stayed at Aunt Cindy’s overnight, Kezia had a REALLY bad night. She kept getting out of the crib. So – mom finally put her in bed with her & she cried & struggled, but finally fell asleep. Then about a half hour later, she woke up and turned over & fell in the gap between the bed & the wall – all the way to the floor. Mom couldn’t reach her to pull her out & she was so disoriented & crying & finally she got her to crawl out. It took a few days to make up for that night L
-Kezia remembers and associates so much already. When she sees a picture of a baby chick, she will say “Teamwork!” She learns this from the Wonderpets. When she sees the Cat in the Hat, she says “Go! Go! Go! Go – on an adventure!” – the song they sing in the show The Cat in the Hat knows a Lot about That.
-She also has cute names for things. She calls the camera “Picture of you!” and the DVD player “Watch a movie!” One day, she had the portable DVD player & she was walking around, hugging it, saying “I wuv you watch-a-movie!” She also says “Cute!” whenever someone takes a picture. Even if it’s just of dirt, she will say “cute!”
-Kezia has started to sing her bedtime song. It’s so cute. She will sing “Kez, Kez, kezia – time to go to sleep!”
-She loves screaming at bugs. If she sees an ant on the ground, she will crouch down there & do this funny growl/scream sound to it.
-Kezia loves to open and close the blinds in the living room and kitchen. She also loves to pull out all the DVDs from the entertainment center. And she still loves to get a cup and fill it with water from the toilet – and then pretend to cook with it on the pretend kitchen.
-We’re having to put Kezi in onesies more & more because she keeps taking off her diaper. She still likes to sit on the potty, but she hasn’t gone yet. She will hop off, though, and grab one of her sister’s panties & bring it to you to help her put on.
-She really does know how to count to 9! Mom has heard her more than once!
-She still loves to read and will bring mom or dad books all the time – then turn around, plop down on the lap & expect you to drop everything & read that book to her right then.
-Her hair is getting so long & beautiful. We love her golden locks. Mom can fix it in almost any way – IF she’d ever let her. Getting her to hold still to get her hair done is near impossible. Most times, mom has to put her on the countertop in the bathroom, turn on the sink water a little bit & let her play in the water while she does her hair.