I am going to post lots of fun Christmas pictures and stuff in my slideshow in the next few days, but I wanted to focus on the new year.
It's hard for me to fathom that 2008 is all but gone and 2009 starts tomorrow! We have so much hope and anticipation for this new year - we hope to finally move to a small town! That's been a goal of Jason and I since we met and not that we haven't been "joying in the journey" but it will be nice to finally feel settled in a place where we can have some land and build the home that we want. Jason has been working on getting his MBA, so that has kept us in the valley, but he should graduate in May, so we are so excited!
I have been thinking about my new years goals for a while now. What I've decided to do is create a blog specifically for new year resolutions. I've invited a few people already to contribute and I'm hoping that it will keep me more accountable this year. If you want to be a part of it, e-mail me - sunkist64@hotmail.com! I will add you to the blog and we can all help each other better ourselves in 2009. Just post your resolutions and try to update it every week with a progress report.
This year I've really tried to narrow my resolutions down. In years past, I've had 3 pages, typed, of resolutions that I want to accomplish. Obviously it's too overwhelming and I end up giving up. This year I've narrowed it down to priority A, B, & C. There's 25 total, and I know most of you still think that's rediculous, but hey - it's a lot better than like 100! I've also tried to use my Patricarchal Blessing, prophetetic counsel and prayer to help me make sure I'm focusing where I really need to focus.
I've decided to share a few with the world, for added accountability, so here's a few:
-To be able to see myself and others as Jesus sees us.
-To serve others more often and more cheerfully
-To pray and read my scriptures every day
-Prayerfully attend the temple no less than 10 times
- Stay out of debt and Pay tithing and generous fast offering every month
- Write in my journal once a week (doesn't include blogging)
- 1 anniversary vacation, 3 family vacations (includes camping), 1 "lovers get-away"
- Write at least one "love note" from God every night
- Get our food storage and 72 hour kids up to par.
- Appreciate my loved ones more.
- No more than 1 hour computer time each day (except on newsletter/slideshow days).
- Keep Word of Wisdom: Bed by 10pm, eat fruits and veggies and each meal and for snacks, exercise 4x a week
- Stop being so sarcastic
- Meal plan for each week.
- Plant a garden.
- Put up a picture of the temple, the prophet and Jesus in our rooms
- Keep up with the FLY lady - keep our home ready for visitors and keep the routine
- Make Birthday Books for the girls
- Transfer all camcorder tapes to DVD
- Date night w/ sweetie 3x a month
- Read 3 LDS books, 4 novels, and 3 "self-help" books