Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Prez Day Weekend

We had a fun and busy weekend! We had originally planned President's Day Weekend as a fun, relaxing, sunny visit with the St. George Hamiltons and my grandparents. Well, "fun" turns out to really be the only part of the equation that worked out. We were looking at rentals for most of the trip - and it was really cold, rainy & snowy, but we did have some great times with Jason's brother & family. We were able to hang out, play the Wii, look at some camper trailers, go to Cafe Rio (along with 1/2 of St. George :) and watch Avatar. They have such a beautiful home & are so hospitable. Their sunshine more than made up for the lack of sunshine outside. Keeley was so amazing to watch the girls for 6+ hours while we looked at homes.
So... we have still yet to find the perfect home to rent & time is kind of running out. Less than 2 weeks away & we're supposed to be there. I have faith that we will be where we're supposed to be, though. Sometimes I have to take lots of deep breaths :) I was just grinning most of the time, though. Can't believe this is really happening. So sad to leave so many wonderful family & friends - and at the same time so excited for the future & new adventures ahead. I just have felt so extremely blessed lately. I was reading in my journal over this past year about some hard days, some trials & some doubts. It's amazing and heart-warming to see the miracles that have taken place since then. I know there will be more trials to come, but right now I am just full of gratitude - knowing that God is so wonderful & mindful of me!
We also had a wonderful, cherised time with my grandparents & aunt in Washington. My grandpa has had cancer for a while now & we're not sure how much time we have left with him, so it was neat to take pictures with him & get some video of his poems, rhymes & stories. Grandma Tew made a wonderful lunch. It was a great visit!
Here are a few pics of the weekend :)


Lena Baron said...

Well, we have two huge camping trailers sitting outside our barn that you can live in;) Actually, one of them (a really nice one) is for sale if you're looking for a trailer. Let me know. Otherwise, we look forward to finding out where the Lord intends for you to live, and we'll be there to help you move in.:)

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

Sounds so fun!!! Good luck with the move, wish we could help you! When you do get settled down there we need to come visit!