Friday, April 20, 2012


Kind of a strange title to announce that we are pregnant with our 4th child, don't you think? (and NO Edgar is not in the running for boy names!) Well, you'll understand more later...

YES! We are expecting #4 sometime about the middle of November. And we are feeling very blessed to have this opportunity - especially after we miscarried in February (more on that below). It's kind of been a long road with this fourth child, but we are truly thankful.

Now - on to Edgar. Do you remember this clip from the movie Men in Black?

Of course you do! It's one of my favorite parts. Mostly because I love that lady's accent. Seriously. Hilarious.

So... I've been feeling a lot like Edgar lately. I haven't told a lot of people that I'm expecting, and so I've been walking around wearing my "Heidi Suit" - trying to act like I normally do - even when I am constantly fighting this battle within myself. If you've been following my blog, you may remember how I felt when I was pregnant with Kezia. Well, I think each of my pregnancies get progressively worse. Thankfully, this time I am trying Zofran & it is helping. It does help me not get sick as much, but I still feel nauseated most of the day and I am looking forward to the day when I don't see food as the enemy. Heartburn, nausea, tossing & turning all night. My poor kids are definitely missing their "real mommy" as I am as grouchy, bossy, and "not myself" as Edgar ever was.
Things will get better. I am taking everything a day at a time, but again, if you are reading this & I have offended you in the past few months, please understand it was an "Edgar" moment and I was not myself. Truly, I have had "Edgar moments" farther back than that. I didn't really tell anyone about my miscarriage for a while either, and walked around with my "Heidi suit" and tried to pretend that everything was okay, but I was truly hurting inside. I'm thankful for family & friends who knew & showed their love & support & who continue to do so.
The girls are excited to have another sibling. We told McKinley first & her jaw just dropped open & she paced back & forth in our room with both her hands on her cheeks, saying "I'm just so excited, I'm just so excited..." And she came into our room 3 more times that night after we had put her to bed to ask questions and express her excitedness :) We told her she couldn't tell anyone just yet, which really disappointed her, so we suggested she write in her journal about how she felt. And here is the picture of what she drew. I love that girl.

Translation: I am too excited because my mom has a baby in her tummy


Lena Baron said...

I haven't done a very good job of staying in touch. But you have been in my thoughts. I'm so sorry you're still not feeling very good. Pregnancy is just plain hard for some of us. I hope and pray that you feel more yourself soon. I am glad that the Zofran has helped some though. Babies are wonderful and I hope all continues to go well. Your children are blessed to have you as a mommy! Love you!

Tiff Meister said...

Heidi, you have a way with analogies and I love the Edgar clip. I am so excited to have a new niece or nephew. I'm sorry for what you had to go through up to this point. I pray the sickness gets a little easier as the weeks go by. You are amazing and I love you Heidi! Give that McKinley a big hug from me and tell her I love her picture!

Trish-the ad-match Queen said...

Love the announcement and the post! SOOO excited!!!! Love you and your girls! They're so blessed to have YOU as their Mom! Even if you're not feeling well I'm positive your "mom powers" surpass that of most :)!

Trish-the ad-match Queen said...

By the way, if it's a boy which is what I'm rooting for then you could name him Edgar :). Eddie for short-brilliant!

Brynn said...

Congrats Heidi! I hope you are feeling better soon.

Colby~Megan~Hayden said...

Oh I hope you get feeling better!! I remember trying to put on a face when all you have been doing is running to the bathroom to throw up! It is awful- that is the one thing that has been holding me back from starting to try for another kid! It's such an emotional game- I remember just crying cause I was physically exhausted. If there is anything I can do please let me know!! FYI- I love your new do!! Also, Colby is in love with your girls!! He said Ireland was just cracking him up today!

Robyn said...

What a blog, new baby! Way to go, and a loss. I wish you had called. You are an amazing mom and person. Wishing you well.

Johanna said...

Congratulations Heidi!! We are so excited for you guys. I am sorry it has been so hard lately for you and I hope it gets better. There is something special about that number four baby! We will be thinking and praying for you guys.

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

Heidi! I feel like a jerk that I am just now posting this, but contratulations! I am so excited for you guys! I am sorry about the miscarriage, and so sorry you are not feeling well. That makes it so hard when you have three other chldren to take care of. Love you!