Monday, July 23, 2012

S'more please!

Last weekend was w o n d e r f u l. I have been feeling like a bad mom lately because I had lots of fun plans & ideas to do with the kids this summer, but most of it has been taken over with moving & the summer is almost over. School starts on August 16th!! Gasp!!
We didn't go camping in June at all, so we're going to try to 2 times in July. Ahhh - it was great to get up in the mountains. Right now, Fishlake is the only forest allowing campfires in developed areas. So - we went up  Beaver Canyon & spent a couple nights camping next to Kent's Lake. It was beautiful up there. Right next to the lake. The fishing was good & we even found some Cedar friends up there! Kezi caught her first fish. She was not entirely thrilled about it - it was slimy and squirmy and she didn't want to touch it :)
But between fishing, s'mores, hiking, and playing, a good time was had by all!


Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

Love you pictures... Looks so fun!! I am dying to go camping!!

Patricia Potts said...

ahhh! I would like to have been with you hugging my beautiful grandkids. By the way, how did you get the cute picture of Kezia in the trailer when there wasn't very much light? Did you just turn off the flash? I love you all