...and I've already cried, so I'm now trying to find the humor in the situation.
I'm actually already overdue. I put my ticker a week later than my actual due date since I know I always go late. I really think my babies are just like that kid in the comic- they're just settled and happy in there & don't want to come out! I'm praying super-hard for patience & an eternal vision.
Heidi, I am SOO Sorry! I can't imagine what it's like to be overdue. I admire your strength and courage. You're in my thoughts and prayers!!! I hope her show gets over in there soon and she's ready for a reality series;) Love ya!
You probably don't want to hear this, but I think you are so darn cute! I love your posts and don't worry, this baby will come soon.. it's inevitable!!!
I feel for you! Bella was 2 weeks late. And I would hate it when people would say, "Well, it has to come out eventually". Really? Well then, not to worry. Not what I wanted to hear. Good luck with the waiting game.
Oh, hang in there Heidi! I'll pray for her to come soooooon! Good luck and congratulations! I know it will be really soon. You could be like me and still have a month left. Blah!
I am so sorry! Although I can't realy relate because I was induced, however I feel your pain in being ready to have the baby out!! Hang in there.
Heidi, How are you doing?? What's the update? Thinking and concerned about you!!
Good Luck Heidi and hang in there. We can't wait to meet sweet baby girl #3!
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