Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Perplexing Potty Problems

O.K., so back in NOVEMBER, we went through potty training with McKinley. I did the "potty training in a day" thing and after about 4 or 5 days, she seemed to "get it" and went almost all of the time by herself. For some reason, around February or so, she seemed to regress. Since that time, she has had 3 or 4 accidents a day. I keep thinking if I just don't make a big deal of it and not get mad when she has an accident then she'll just want to go on her own and the problem will go away. Obviously it hasn't. And it's getting more and more frustrating. I can see that she needs to go, but if I ask her if she needs to go, she'll say NO every time. If I tell her to go, she won't. I can take her to go potty & she'll go, but then she doesn't learn to go ON HER OWN. I've read books - some are big on rewards. Others say that rewards just make them use the potty soley for the reward and they don't do it for themselves. Any suggestions in this department would be greatly appreciated. It would SURE be nice if she were 100% potty trained by 3 years old!


Gardners Glad Tidings said...

The bottom line for us and potty training was that, Bella did it exactly when she was ready and not a moment before. mommy doing the "happy dance" helped a little but wasn't THE reason she did it. Good Luck you are being so patient!

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

I can't wait for those potty training days... I will have to ask you for advice when I get to that!!

Anonymous said...


I feel your pain! Have you read Jakob's blog? I HATE POTTY TRAINING! Today was a good day, but he pooped like ten times so he could get a new car (luckily they were his old recycled cars from two months ago... he thought they looked familuar.) The potty watch has helped him. It gives him the responsibility. He went on his own today too. So I think we're making progress.

Anonymous said...

Heidi I was the "anon" commenter. DUH!

Lena Baron said...

Lena is the idiot commenter:)

Britany said...

I had to "take" Maya to the potty forever and she still had quite a few accidents. I prefered taking her every couple hours over buying more diapers. We also did one mini mashmallow every time she went. I don't know if it helped, but it didn't hurt :).