After shopping, we headed into town to watch the new 007 movie - Quantum of Solace. I'm not a movie buff, but I would say I didn't like it as much as Casino Royal - too fast, no real romance, and so much violence. Next time, babe, I get to pick the movie!
After the movie, we went over to the Ericksons to hang out with Vic & Molly and Dan & Darcie. They were so sweet to let us just pop in. We had a great time catching up, eating goodies, and playing games. We first played Loaded Questions - great getting to know you game - girls were way ahead, but somehow lost in the end. Then it was Apples to Apples - more fun and laughter. But we really let it all down when they brought out the Rock Band gear - it was my first time playing...and you could tell. I started with the guitar. Wow. That was scary. The drums were a bit better, but not much! I thought the singing was fun, but I wasn't terribly good at that either. It was a lot of fun, though, and the best part was being with friends and just having a great time. Thanks guys!
Today (Sunday) we went to church (a bit late after our midnight jam session) and enjoyed a nice nap afterwards. We picked our girls at around 3pm - they had so much fun with their Aunt Trisha. She is so good with them and even took them to church by herself - during naptime - without Darren (he was sick) - you're awesome Trish! Thank you - We love you!
After leaving the theatre, we were driving down the road and I looked over and this sight took my breath away! It was amazing! This picture is truly lame compared to the actual sight. It was larger than life!

Anyone need a cute, pregnant, amazing drummer girl for their band? Molly was pretty good!

Our Park City band

More rocking out!

Mrs Multitask - covering for her husband's (cough, cough) lack of self-proclaimed vocal skills :)

McKinley couldn't stop talking about the fun they had on the way home. She loves her Aunt Trish!

This picture really has nothing to do with anything - other than I couldn't help but laugh at her face. She really loved my Taco Soup tonight!

Waaay neat blog!!!
How fun to have husband & Wife time. Looks like you had a great time. I'm a little jealous, but so glad you got it.
Ohh that's so good! Leif and I have been craving that. We're looking forward to when Caleb doesn't need me as much so we can run away for a weekend:)
Sounds like an amazing weekend!
Looks like you had a lot of fun! I know what you mean about feeling like tourists when you go to Park City. It's wierd how I feel that way even though I live 15 minutes away now. I miss it still. Ryan and I decided we may buy a house in Pinebrook when we retire. :)
What a fun weekend... and that messy face is adorable!!!
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