Friday, September 26, 2008

Journey from Darkness to Light

I don't know how many of you know my mom - Patricia (Tew) Potts. She is beyond beautiful and amazing. I'd like to tell you a little bit about her. She grew up in Granger in a large family, married my dad, raised 4 girls and 1 boy (raising him alone is saint-worthy :), has done a lot of speaking, teaches guitar, and is a wonderful writer. She published "First-Aid for Feelings" last year and it's done well - you can buy it here. It's a GREAT little spiral-bound book that you can fit in your purse. It is sectioned by your negative emotion (guilt, frustration, pride) and has thoughts and quotes to help you turn that negative emotion into a positive one.

Today, however, I am so excited to announce my mom's second book that JUST CAME OUT - My Journey from Darkness to Light. In the midst of her busy, productive life, my mom went through three major life-halting depressions in her life. This book takes the reader through her depressions - what she was thinking, feeling, experiencing. I helped her edit it a couple times and it was very interesting to see my mom's experiences when she was my age and what she went through. I was too young to remember the first depression, but I remember the second one and definitely the third. She talks about what she learned in each depression - what helped her and what didn't - and the things she does to maintain her emotional and spiritual health.

I have never gone through a depression before, but I thoroughly enjoyed My Journey from Darkness to Light and got lots of tips that I can use every day. In fact, I mentioned in a previous post that I had been really down around Labor Day and I used some of her tips for getting me into a more productive, positive mindset. By reading it, I learned to:

1. Stop comparing. The compare game never helps, it only hurts. This life is not a contest. Ok - REALLY? It may seem obvious, but we as women compare like crazy. At least I do. I need to focus on my own life journey and STOP comparing. If I start loving myself for who I am - not how much I weigh, how clean my house is at any given moment, how clean and cute my kids are, how fashionable I am, or the amount my cars are worth, an amazing thing happens. I am happier! And as a bonus, things like a clean house, a better relationship with God, taking care of my body and so forth seem to happen a lot easier.
2. Improve my relationships with my family. I need to take more time out for myself and for my spouse. It is true - you cannot draw water from an empty well.
3. Prioritize. Focus on what REALLY matters.
4. Deal with the negative self-talk. I can write down the things that are bothering me and analyze how many thought distortions I am having. For example, I am very good at over-generalizing - Jason's small comment about dishes or laundry = I am a bad wife/mother.
5. Relate to and help those dealing with depression. And so much more!

So - here's my plug - buy my mom's book! Do you know someone right now who is down or depressed? Do you want a book that will help you turn your down days into positive ones?
Have I done enough bragging/advertising/promoting?
You can buy it HERE - it's through Amazon & it's only $10! What a great gift for someone who's feeling down, for yourself, or as a birthday or Christmas gift!

To see her professional website, visit:

Mom - I'm SO proud of you! - that you sacrificed the time, effort, blood, sweat, tears, and love to make this book happen. I love you!


Patricia Potts said...

Thank you so much Heidi. You continue to be an AMAZING CHEERLEADER,HELPER,FRIEND,SUPPORTER... Thanks Heidi. Love,mom

Britany said...

I need to add it to my Amazon wish list! Your mom is amazing!!! And you are amazing too - loved your mommy list!

Megan said...

I just loved hanging out at your house especially your mom. I'm glad she's feeling better

Ryan and Shannan Hoffman said...

That is so great. My brother suffers from depression, maybe I will have to buy a copy to send to him. Your mom sounds so neat!!

Marianne said...

Wow- impressive ....I want to read it - will have to put in on my HUGE list of TO-READ BOOKS.